Is Crystal Healing and Spiritual Healing safe?
The answer to this question is of course yes, provided that you take sensible precautions.
You should always check that a Crystal Healing Therapist is fully qualified. By this I mean that they have undertaken a Crystal Healing Practitioners course, usually over a period of two years. You should ask to see the Crystal Healing Therapist’s qualifications.
Spiritual Healers should have a qualification from a Healing Organisation such as The Healing Trust which is a two year course.
Talk to the Crystal Healing Therapist or Spiritual Healer to see if they are right for you!
Healing Therapists or any other Complementary Therapist should never pressurise you into having treatments, or suggest that Crystal Healing or Spiritual Healing is a replacement for conventional medical treatment.
All practicing Therapists should be fully insured.
Healing space should comply with health and safety standards.